Monday, October 12, 2009


The word that I have chosen is "Morning", where beginnings start daily and shape the way the day is portrayed.
morn·ing (môrnng)n.
1. The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon.
2. The dawn.
3. The first or early part; the beginning: the morning of a new nation.

morning [ˈmɔːnɪŋ]
1. the first part of the day, ending at or around noon
2. sunrise; daybreak; dawn
3. the beginning or early period the morning of the world
the morning after Informal the aftereffects of excess, esp a hangover
5. (modifier) of, used, or occurring in the morning morning coffee

Within the morning, we are left with the remnants of what has happened through the night. "The morning after" stated in the fourth definition. This content consists of a particular action that has taken place within the morning and the new beginning for what is to come. Seed falls, seed escapes, seed placed in the ground, and a new beginning is formed.

As the dawn arises, the gentleness of the light awakens to accompany those that are caught within time. While the sun shines within the early hours, it reflects onto the memories that have been aged, yet those objects still serve a purpose for those who have grown fond of the past times.

Though we have these items that we use everyday, while the sun shines its new light, you come back to these items like the first time.

(Much of what I photographed was premature to the definition, represent contents and contexts that take place during morning. Though many reflect the definition of the sunrise creating shadows that are of reminiscent of the night and a light that is new. Given my own personal interpretations, these are the images that consist.)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ryan Russell, an influence.

Ryan Russell series (In the studio with UnderOath "Lost in the Sound of Separation," 2008)

Ryan Russell is a male photographer born in Birmingham, Alabama who has a B.A. degree in art studio from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Clients are signed/ unsigned bands, companies, and various publications. Also works in album art direction and layouts. (All information used from

Photography can create relationships in so many forms, whether it be with the concept, artistic interpretation, or the content within the photographs. What draws me to the photographs of Ryan Russell, is the nature of the individuals within his photographs. He primarily works with bands and musical artists with documentation of them in concert, studio, or even while they are walking around, smoking, eating, or having a conversation. Some people often forget that musicians are human beings like everyone else and have to do the same everyday routines like everyone else. Ryan presents "in the moment" photographs, which I have grown a fondness for. These photographs put you in the lives of these individuals and allows you to interact with them. Which allows you to grow an even closer bond with not only the band, but with the nature of this business. Creating an album is such a process for these musicians, that it can be tedious and complex. Ryan has created some series that document the production, tracking, interactions of band mates, all while capturing individual personalities.
For me, being a musician with such a passion for this art, I enjoy the sense of relativity I get while viewing this work. The photographs that I have viewed are naturally lighted and work to keep a crisp focus on the particular subjects. The settings are very interesting, to understand the dialogue. Ryan Russell does a spectacular job to include the details that are necessary for understanding his photographs. There is limited usage of modification or rendering, with the exception of some images that have been merged or have had color effects. This helps keep a theme of reality within his images, while allowing a story to be told within.Overall, the photographs are a well observed insight into the process of music and the personalities that bless the work that is produced. Ryan Russell does an exceptional job in allowing an audience to view poetic lives at work.
Though there are many ways that his work has influenced my own, I have found that my focus on people has increased since I have seen his work. I try to focus on a moment within a situation in order to summarize that event. You can create so much dialogue with the right composition. Ryan Russell is able to focus on a particular emotion so that it is portrayed within the entire piece. This may not be monumental work in photographic, but it is significant and has allowed viewers to connect with musicians through a fascinating media. I hope that I may reach areas to where personalities may be captured through my art.