morn·ing (môr
1. The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon.
2. The dawn.
3. The first or early part; the beginning: the morning of a new nation.
morning [ˈmɔːnɪŋ]
1. the first part of the day, ending at or around noon
2. sunrise; daybreak; dawn
3. the beginning or early period the morning of the world
the morning after Informal the aftereffects of excess, esp a hangover
5. (modifier) of, used, or occurring in the morning morning coffee

Though we have these items that we use everyday, while the sun shines its new light, you come back to these items like the first time.
(Much of what I photographed was premature to the definition, represent contents and contexts that take place during morning. Though many reflect the definition of the sunrise creating shadows that are of reminiscent of the night and a light that is new. Given my own personal interpretations, these are the images that consist.)